missing numbers in billion records

Finding missing numbers from billion sequential number list file

You are given a billion numbers but some are missing

This is interesting algorithm question. With my first attempt I have tried it with o(n**2) which needs improvement of course.

Do you know how to find complementary numbers in given array?

The question in detail

You are given a randomly listed billion numbers, from 1 to billion that is. And there are a couple of numbers missing from this list.

The task is to find those missing numbers from a billion list, and you are given a very limited memory resource – you can assume storage is not an issue.

How I proceed with this solution

Continue reading Finding missing numbers from billion sequential number list file

apache error

Java Tomcat error: can not access a member of class with modifiers

Class org.apache.catalina.core.DefaultInstanceManager can not access a member of class with modifiers “” sun.reflect.Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(Reflection.java:102)

If you are on tomcat/or anyother webserver for J2EE and getting this error, then the most probable servlet you have would look like this

package package;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

class MyServletClass extends HttpServlet {

The fix:

You have missed the class modifier public

public class MyServletClass

Should solve the problem

pass all the jars in classpath when compiling java

How to pass multiple jar files while using javac – compiling java classes

If you have single jar file, you can pass as: lets assume you are compiling file.java

javac path/to/file.java -classpath "path/to/jar/file.jar" -d classpath

But how about if you have multiple jar files to be included in the class path?

If you are on windows you can list the jar files separated by semi colon(;) and in unix you can pass with colon(:)

javac path/to/java/file.java -classpath "file1.jar:file2.jar:dir/*"

The last example is for unix environment but you can apply it to windows with proper path and semicolon

Maven error Annotations are not supported in -source 1.3

The Error

Are you using annotations in your project?

If so, you will get this error if you try to do mvn compile or mvn install.

You may have also seen this if you are building your project on eclipse as well.

The solution

The default maven relies on JDK 1.3 for its building the project and you might be using a JDK above 1.3. Also, JDK 1.3 does not implement annotations.

The solution is to tell the maven the current non-1.3 JDK you are using on you pom.xml file.



For the source and target you will provide your current JDK you are using.

Running maven project in eclipse step by step

If you have java web project that is maven based, and you want to run the project in eclipse here are the steps.

Mind you this is for the project which is already a maven project, say you did it through terminal or you got it from other repository and you want to run it locally through eclipse.

Assumed -> you have setup the webserver like tomcat on eclipse.

1. Go to Eclipse Run->Run Configuration

2. Double click on M2 Maven Build

3. On the base directory: insert ${project_loc}

4. On the goals: insert tomcat:run and the select and apply

5. Right click on the project and select configure->Convert to Maven Project

configure build path

configure build path

6. Again right click on the project and select Maven->Update Project


7. For further pulling the dependencies from maven to eclipse, right click on it->properties->Deployment Assembly

8 Click on Add button and select Java build path entries and select Maven Dependencies

9. Now, your dependencies should be pulled all is ready for testing. Go to project menu and click on build project. This will be inactive if Build Automatically is selected.

10. Then to test, right click on one of your servlet and select run as and click on the server option. If all went good, you should be able to see the output from your servlet on the browser.

The above simple steps would allow you to convert the Java web project into maven project in eclipse.

See: How to change directory structure for maven

See: Resolving classpath problem in eclipse

Importing packages to eclipse added by maven to java web project

If eclipse is having a hard time acknowledging the packages you got through maven, here are the step by step fix for it..

1. Go to your projects root, where the pom.xml resides

2. issue mvn eclipse:clean

3. issue mvn eclipse:eclipse

4. this could be optional, on eclipse go to the project, right click on it and select build project

resources can not be added

eclipse j2ee error There are No resources that can be added or removed from the server

Eclipse showing There are No resources that can be added or removed from the server when adding project

If you are trying to test the java web application (j2ee) on your local machine with built in eclipse support and getting error, then it is related to project facet.

Here is how you can solve the error There are No resources that can be added or removed from the server coming from eclipse

1. right click on your web project in eclispe

2. Select properties

3. Select Project facets

4. Select Dynamic Web Module

5. Click on apply and then click on OK

This will solve the problem.

See also: How to resolve class pass error when working with maven

testing k complementary pairs algorithm with junit

This is the test class for the java solution of the k-complementary problem listed here

package algorithm;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

 * Testing KComplementary algorithm
 * @author Kaleb Woldearegay
public class KComplementaryTest {
	private KComplementary kComplementary;
	public void initiate() {
		this.kComplementary = new KComplementary();
	public void test1() {
		Integer[][] expectedResult = new Integer[][]{{1,9},{5,5},{9,1}};
		int[] test = new int[]{1,5,9};
		assertArrayEquals(this.kComplementary.getKComplementaryPairs(10,  test), expectedResult);
	public void test2() {
		Integer[][] expectedResult = new Integer[][]{{5,7},{7,5}};
		int[] test = new int[]{3,5,7};
		assertArrayEquals(this.kComplementary.getKComplementaryPairs(12,  test), expectedResult);
	public void test3() {
		Integer[][] expectedResult = new Integer[][]{{-1,1},{0,0},{1,-1}};
		int[] test = new int[]{5,-1,0,-2,3, 1};
		assertArrayEquals(this.kComplementary.getKComplementaryPairs(0,  test), expectedResult);


See more algorithm solutions by clicking Here

Find the pairs that makes K Complementary in the given array java solution

Find K complementary pairs from the given array

So the problem is, given an array of numbers, you are going to find the pairs whose sum is K.

Say, if you are given 7, 1, 5, 6, 9, 3, 11, -1 and K = 10 then the pairs would be

=> 1 and 9
=> 3 and 7
=> 11 and -1

Here is the O(n) solution for the K complementary problem in java

It turns out, this is not a pure O(n) solution. Can you spot why?

package algorithm;

import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Algorithm to find the pairs making the K complementary in O(n) complexity
 * @author http://gullele.com
 * @see KComplementaryTest.java - a JUnit test for this class
public class KComplementary {
	private Map pairs;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		KComplementary kcomp = new KComplementary();
		int[] numbers = new int[]{7, 1, 5, 6, 9, 3, 11, -1};
		Integer[][] pairs = kcomp.getKComplementaryPairs(10, numbers);
		for (Integer[] thePairs : pairs) {
			System.out.println(" Pairs are "+thePairs[0] + " and " + thePairs[1]);
	public KComplementary() {
		this.pairs = new HashMap();
	 * An algorithm to find the pair from the given array that would sum up the given K
	 * @note - the algorithm would be done in o(n). First it will run through the whole 
	 * numbers and creates a temporary list of pairs in HashMap with 
	 * (value, sum-value). 
	 * @param sum
	 * @param listOfIntegers
	 * @return
	public Integer[][] getKComplementaryPairs(int sum, int[] listOfIntegers) {
		 * I could have used the ArrayList assuming the number of pairs we are getting 
		 * is not known, but giving it a little bit of thought, the number of pairs 
		 * is known in advance, at least the maximum we can get is known.
		 * By not using the Array list, the algorithm would run O(n) rather than
		 * O(n**2) since ArrayList.add would would be O(n) by itself 
		//List complementaryPairs = new ArrayList();
		Integer[][] complementaryPairs = new Integer[listOfIntegers.length][2];
		//First fill up the pairs with the complementary numbers
		for (int number : listOfIntegers) { //O(n) complexity
			this.pairs.put(number, sum-number);
		//then filter out the pairs that don't have corresponding complementary number
		int index = 0;
		for (int number : listOfIntegers) { //O(n) complexity 
			int complementary = sum - number;
			//check if this key exists in the pairs
			if ( this.pairs.containsKey(complementary) ) {
				//Had I used array List this would have been used
				//Integer[] comps = {number, complementary};
				//complementaryPairs.add(comps); //this is O(n)
				complementaryPairs[index][0] = number;
				complementaryPairs[index][1] = complementary;
				index ++;
		//Now trim the array since we know the exact record
		Integer[][] trimmed = new Integer[index][2];
		index = 0;
		for (Integer[] item : complementaryPairs) { //O(n) complexity
			if (item[0] != null) {
				trimmed[index][0] = item[0];
				trimmed[index][1] = item[1];
		//Total complexity O(n)+O(n)+O(n) ==> O(n)
		//had I used arrayList this would have been used
		//return complementaryPairs.toArray(new Integer[0][0]);
		return trimmed;

The above solution runs and would do the job without a problem. But it is not linear solution as it claims to be.

I have got another solution that would explain why and comes up with a solution for it. Check it out here

You can see the jUnit for this class also at here

Using mvn for creating and running a boilerplate minimal java application

It is almost a must to use mvn or any other build tool when dealing with java.

With mvn you can start a minimal simple all included java application and you run that too.. Just follow this. I will assume you are on linux or mac environment for this and also I am assuming you already have maven installed
Create a new folder and say mavenrocks

mkdir mavenrocks

Then add the following

mvn archetype:generate

What it does is, it will use a plugin to create a boilerplate application that holds basic src files along with standard directory structure.
if you do the listing on the created folder you will see:


and to run it

mvn execute:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.gullele.App"