If you have java web project that is maven based, and you want to run the project in eclipse here are the steps.
Mind you this is for the project which is already a maven project, say you did it through terminal or you got it from other repository and you want to run it locally through eclipse.
Assumed -> you have setup the webserver like tomcat on eclipse.
1. Go to Eclipse Run->Run Configuration
2. Double click on M2 Maven Build
3. On the base directory: insert ${project_loc}
4. On the goals: insert tomcat:run
and the select and apply
5. Right click on the project and select configure->Convert to Maven Project

configure build path
6. Again right click on the project and select Maven->Update Project
7. For further pulling the dependencies from maven to eclipse, right click on it->properties->Deployment Assembly
8 Click on Add button and select Java build path entries and select Maven Dependencies
9. Now, your dependencies should be pulled all is ready for testing. Go to project menu and click on build project. This will be inactive if Build Automatically is selected.
10. Then to test, right click on one of your servlet and select run as and click on the server option. If all went good, you should be able to see the output from your servlet on the browser.
The above simple steps would allow you to convert the Java web project into maven project in eclipse.