if you are doing a lot of server activities, then you are a friend of SSH.
One thing we would do would be to make ssh password-less..
I am trying to log into ubuntu server from mac client. here is the process.
on the MAC,
1. Make sure you have ssh installed. You can check using
which ssh or
ssh -v : this will tell the version
If for some reason it is not installed or if you want to upgrade it, you can install it using mac port – this would be another discussion but the overall stuff would be
$ sudo port -d selfupdate
$ sudo port install openssh
2. Now, create public/private keys using the following command
ssh-keygen -t rsa
you will find these keys in the ~/.ssh folder
This would be much you would do on the client side
On the server (ubuntu server)
1. Create the user on the server using adduser command. Let’s create user macuser
adduser macuser
then follow the instruction to create the user.
2. Go to /etc/ssh/ and update the sshd_config file
Most of the settings of this file would be responsible for the famous problem of asking the password all the time..
3. in the sshd_config file update the following:
StrictModes no
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
After this restart the ssh using
sudo service ssh restart
Now go back to the mac client and copy the public keys to the server as follows
ssh-copy-id macuser@ubuntuServerOrIP-goes-here
here you will be asked for your password. Give the password you assigned while creating the user on the server.
Then log into the server using
ssh macuser@ubuntuServerOrIP-goes-here
if it is still asking for the password check the following
1. on the ubuntu server go to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and see if the public key of mac is registered
2. Check the folder’s permission level is 700 and that of autorized_keys is 600
3. Check the above setting of sshd_config file are saved and restart the ssh on the server