flash disc

Share file from Windows to Mac OS

How to share file from windows to Mac

If you are working on windows and you want to share the file to mac, follow this simple steps to get the work done.

The first is to go to your mac and enable the file sharing. I would do this temporarily so that it won’t be opened all the time, this is for security purpose

How to allow sharing file in mac

  1. Go to  settings in mac
  2. Go to sharing
  3. Check the file sharing options

How to connect to mac from windows.

Before you do this, you will need to get the ip address of the mac computer that you will be using it later in windows connection.

How to get IP address of the the computer on mac

Open a terminal using either of the following methods:

  • Go to finder
  • Select Applications under favorites, if you don’t see it, go to finder menu on the top next to the apple icon while the finder is active, select preferences and check Applications
  • In the applications, go to Utilities and select terminal


  • Hold command and hit space
  • type terminal
  • select the terminal

Once you get the terminal in either ways, then type the following command in the terminal


From the result, look for inet and that shall be your ip address ( this time it has to be the local one)

Connecting to mac from windows

On windows, on the search bar, type run

When you get the input box type \\ip-address-here

This creates anther window where you have to enter the username and password of the mac computer. That will connect you to the mac computer.


spring upload multiple file

spring upload multiple files

Spring upload multiple files with restful API

Spring upload multiple files with restful api is one of the most requires task. If you are working with spring, chances are high that you are working with file as well.

If you are doing registration, you might need to have multiple files to be uploaded to your server. So how to do spring upload multiple files is what I will be showing you.
Continue reading spring upload multiple files

random file from directory

random files from directory

Get Random Files From Directory Using Shell Script

Random files from directory is most sought after operation specially when working with files. You may be creating video from image, analyzing sample data and more.

Shell scripting has a lot to offer, not only random files from directory. The cool thing about shell script is, it is more native and fast.

I am working on generating videos from selected images and I needed to have ability to select random files from the given folder.
Continue reading random files from directory