Was trying to pull something to github and noticed I was using a bit old Git version.
Then I went to and downloaded for mac.
After installing, I checked if I have the latest version by doing
git --version
and it showed
git version
Then I suspected the previous one is not updated and checked which git binary is being used
which git
And it replied as
The new one is being save on another directory – /usr/local/git
Then I checked how my path is setup
echo $PATH
it was something like
As you can see the poor mac would see the /usr/bin first to check if command binary is inside it and it would continue.. so it was not checking the /usr/local/git..
Just putting the proper path infront of the path would solve the problem
export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:$PATH
That would fix the problem. In the mean time, doing some cleanup on the existing git files would help also..