Mommy look.. Upgrading jQuery breaks live :(

If you have upgraded jQuery to 1.9 then you would have dreaded Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function would be barking at you on your javascript console.

The fix
According to the jQuery site, you would need to replace live with on

Say if you have:

$('.selector-class-name').live('click', function(){console.log('
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the universe which strives to produce bigger idiots. So far the Universe is winning.
Rick Cook

Then you would have to change this to the new version using on as follows.
*The current on will be passed the event owner as a parameter so, we have to have a way to know the parent of the event owner, in this case the object with class selector-class-name.
If we don’t know the parent we can implement body tag

$('parent-of-object').on('click', '.selector-class-name', function(){
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the universe which strives to produce bigger idiots. So far the Universe is winning.
Rick Cook

This shall take care of the problem.

Updating Git on Mac showing previous version

Was trying to pull something to github and noticed I was using a bit old Git version.
Then I went to and downloaded for mac.
After installing, I checked if I have the latest version by doing

git --version

and it showed

git version

Then I suspected the previous one is not updated and checked which git binary is being used

which git

And it replied as


The new one is being save on another directory – /usr/local/git

Then I checked how my path is setup

echo $PATH

it was something like


As you can see the poor mac would see the /usr/bin first to check if command binary is inside it and it would continue.. so it was not checking the /usr/local/git..

Just putting the proper path infront of the path would solve the problem

export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:$PATH

That would fix the problem. In the mean time, doing some cleanup on the existing git files would help also..