External screen rotation on Mac book pro lion

It is customary to have more than one screen if you are a developer. On mac, I like to work on my external monitor being vertical while the main mac screen being on horizontal.

To do that, here is what you would do..

1. go to settings and produce this page



2. Hold Alt+command and click on Displays
3. you will get a box with rotation option on it:



4. Then select 90 from the rotation drop down menu and accept the confirmation.

Now restart your mac

After you restart it and when you go to display again you will see the rotation drop down manu by default there.

Untill now the main screen is the one being rotated 90 degree, but you want the external one

5. By now you will see your main window being tilted 90 degree and the external hasn’t been changed yet. But when you go to the display, you will see the rotation drop down being there – without using alt+command

6. Change the main window back to standard.

7. when you open the display you will see two dialog boxes one for each monitor. Go to the other dialog box[the external one] and just change the rotation.



If you don’t get just close the display and open it again

that will be it!

Scroll bar not working on Mountain Lion Mac? Or am I crazy? Cant find scroll bars on my new mac

Yea, it is weird. I know the the safari page has long to be scrolled but I was not able to damn scroll it :)
Then this behavior was duplicated when I tried to do some stuff on the other windows as well..
Hehehee.. Apple has made the scroll bars AuToMaTiCaLlY for us :(
I have been reading this book regarding UX stuff, it is a good read.
One thing mentioned on that one is consistency of UX designs – in other words you don’t want to surprise your existing users with something that has been there kind of thing.
I might sound silly here by mentioning this and you might say “what the heck, it is not a big deal”
But, for me, I like my scroll bars and I have returned them – thanks to them they have allowed us configure it
To configure it
1. Go to system preferences
2. Be on the Personal/General
3. Select show always option from the scroll bar options.

Scroll it BABY!