Wanted but not invoked: However, there were other interactions with this mock: ->


Wanted but not Invoked Error in mockito and its solution

This happens with mockito when trying to verify the invocation on an object with specific method.

But what happens is you have interacted with other method of that object but not the one mentioned.

If you have an object named CustomerService and say it has two methods named saveCustomer() and verifyExistingCustomer()

And mockito looks something like

verify(customerService, atleast(1)).verifyExistingCustomer(customer), 

But in your actual service you called the saveCustomer() at least once.. BINGO you would get that error.

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  1. Jignesh Sheth

    did you find any workaround for this problem????

    1. gullele

      Hey Jignesh, make sure the one you are calling on mockito and the one on the actual class are the same methods

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