taking off of the airplane

how to deploy symfony application to the production server

Deploy Symfony application to production – setting it live

This is a continuation of deploying symfony application to the server part one

Deploy Symfony application to production part two

4. Installing composer dependencies

Be in your symfony app first

cd /apps/symfony-app

The run the installer here

composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

Under most circumstances, this will run without any problem. If there are any problems, composer will log them for you so follow those and solve those. And this will create a vendor folder in the folder you run composer. Continue reading how to deploy symfony application to the production server

Port not forwarded from vagrant for rails application on host

Having a rails application on the vagrant machine and the 3000 port not being forwarded when you access it form host machine like


if so keep reading

Assuming you have already setup your vagrant machine

Go ahead and open your Vagrant file, find the config.vm.network and update it with

config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 3000, host: 3000

Then make sure you are binding the server with as it is the main problem is being the default for that, when yoiu are instantiation the server do the binding with

bin/server --binding=

Basically the above would tell to listen to almost any ip. This has its own risk if you are doing it on public VM so caution shall be applied. Where as when it is, it will be listening to the local address only.