taking off of the airplane

how to deploy symfony application to the production server

Deploy Symfony application to production – setting it live

This is a continuation of deploying symfony application to the server part one

Deploy Symfony application to production part two

4. Installing composer dependencies

Be in your symfony app first

cd /apps/symfony-app

The run the installer here

composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

Under most circumstances, this will run without any problem. If there are any problems, composer will log them for you so follow those and solve those. And this will create a vendor folder in the folder you run composer. Continue reading how to deploy symfony application to the production server

Apache not executing PHP code – just renders the as it is

This is the issue when you are having a fresh install of apache usually.
You need to tell apache should handle the extensions so that it could process them accordingly.
On you apache path, go to the config and open the httpd.conf file
and add the following

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Also, make sure the Module for php is installed as well..
in your httpd.conf file, search for:

#LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so

and, of course, uncomment that to enable php.