Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in PHP

Whenever you got this error check the following:

1. Make sure the $this-> is used inside the object and referring to the class’s and inherited non-static members.

2. Make sure the called members of the object are properly addressed as static or member/function variables

Do you know the different different post types?

Here is an example for the second one.

Assume you have the following object

class Example
   function getExampleText()
      return "Example Text";
   static function getStaticExampleText()
      return "Static Example Text";

While accessing, if the code tries something like this one,

$example = new Example();
Example::getExampleText(); //Trying to access non-static as static

Then you would have the error

403 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access .. on windows pc

You don’t have permission to access error

I was trying to access my PHP web project from my Vista on my Ubunut and end up running error 403 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access on this server …

Do you know how to find missing numbers from billing records – algorithm

Well this has a very easy remedy:

BTW – I am using Uniserver – http://www.uniformserver.com/ – [ Which is the coolest development environment on windows as you would get PHP, MySQL, and PhpMyAdmin residing all at one place.]

But it doesn’t matter if you are using other tool.

1. Go to where your www folder

2. open .htaccess file using your favorite text editor – note pad is more than enough for this.

3. Under Allow From – or whatever it is allowed Add Allow From [your ip address of the computer from which you want to access the server]

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