setting JAVA_HOME on mac osx

How to set JAVA_HOME ON MAC OSX computer

Setting java_home as environment variable might be almost required especially when you use frameworks. Frameworks like axis2 web server and others. Also some code editors require that too.

What is environment variable

Those are variables that would allow you to execute command line actions from any directory, basically from everywhere.

The simplest example is using java -version. In this case, if you don’t have explicit environment variable on where to look for, it requires you to either be in the java folder or to fully list the whole path till bin folder.

Setting JAVA_HOME in mac osx

The first part is to make sure you have java installed in your machine.

java -version

If this is giving you an output with the version, then it means java is installed, otherwise, you should first install it.

The following task will be to find out where the binary files are located.

Click the apple icon on the left top corner of your mac and select system preferences..

system preference

system preference

And from there click Java and you will get the path information from there.

Once you got where the java is located, usually on /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.***/Contents/Home

Open the bash properties file

vi ~/.bash_profile

And add the java path here

export JAVA_HOME=export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_91.jdk/Contents/Home

The above would be what it would look like fro jkd 1.8 on my El Capitan macbook pro.

Mac Numbers document to Excel

Starting to play with the mac numbers app that comes with my mac, and after doing my spreadsheet, pretty much the same as excel so far, i want to share it and the standard being xls file, I figured how to do that.

Go to file menu on the number application and select the export to => Excel. export-to-excel

The rest is history after that.. I like how neat the number app is so far, I will try to see how it is flexing its muscles over the giant excel as I have a lot to do on that..

By the way, I have been a great fan of apaches open office just check it out.