On git and want to see the changes on files after you stage it?
git diff --cached file-to-check
Also if you want to see the difference of hte file with repo
git diff HEAD file-to-check
On git and want to see the changes on files after you stage it?
git diff --cached file-to-check
Also if you want to see the difference of hte file with repo
git diff HEAD file-to-check
Working on SVN? I am sure these days we are on the era of DVCS ( Decentralized Version Control System ) like that of git and mercurial but still, we will be using svn..
To see the changes you made on the current revision vs the previous one, use:
svn diff -r PREV:COMITTED file_name_goes_here
or if you have specific revision numbers then plug them in place of the prev and committed above and it will list the changes you made on that file.
Distributed revisioning systems would allow multiple branches which could be local to your computer or in the remote ones.
One aspect of working in distributed revision systems is the ability to see the diff between the branches and make a decision off of that.
Let’s say you have branch named branch-one and the other being default repo.
If you want to know what difference is there between the two branches in mercurial, say what is in the branch-one but not in the default do:
hg log -r "'branch-one' - default"
There are also a couple of predicates that you can assign – just search with “hg revsets”