Working on Symfony form that has a file upload and got the above error when I try to save it.
The form is build from entity which has the following format:
class MemberFile { /** * SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationFileUploadedFile object */ protected $file; /** * @ORMId * @ORMColumn(name="file_id", type="integer") * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") */ protected $fileId; /** * @ORMColumn(type="string", length=255) */ protected $path; // additional member variables and getters and setters goes here... ..... public function upload() { if (null === $this->file) return; $this->getFile()->move( $this->getUploadDir(), $this->file->getClientOriginalName() ); $this->setSize($this->file->getSize()); $this->setFileType($this->file->guessExtension()); $this->path=$this->file->getClientOriginalName(); $this->file=null; } }
And the form is constructed inside the controller in such a way
$member_file=new MemberFile(); $form=$this->createFormBuilder($member_file) ->add("file") ->add("save", 'submit') ->getForm();
Right after the appropriate action is requested, I called $member_file->upload() after validation to get the above error..
How I solved it..
1. I checked if the file has been properly uploaded despite the error
-> yes it was uploaded
2. Checked if the original tmp file is still intact –
-> NO and BINGO!
Since the file has been moved, the subsequent operations on $this->file can not be done appropriately.
Just move those operations before you call move file..
public function upload() { if (null === $this->file) return; $this->setSize($this->file->getSize()); $this->setFileType($this->file->guessExtension()); $this->path=$this->file->getClientOriginalName(); $this->getFile()->move( $this->getUploadDir(), $this->file->getClientOriginalName() ); $this->file=null; }