Inserting data to table reading from another table in mysql

Inserting data to table reading from another table in mysql

OK, we can use INSERT INTO statement to insert fresh data to mysql. But how about if the need lies on reading data from another table?
Here is how we do it in mysql.
Let us create the tables for illustration:
Log into your mysql and create the following queries
Creating database
CREATE database testdb;
USE testdb;

Creating tables

CREATE TABLE testtbl1 (id int(10) auto_increment, fname varchar(20), lname(20), primary key(id));
CREATE TABLE testtbl2 (id int(10) auto_increment, firstname varchar(20), lastname(20), age int, primary key(id));

Lets add some data to table 2 now
INSERT INTO testtbl2 (firstname, lastname, age)
(‘ftest1’, ‘ftest1’, 35),
(‘ftest2, ‘ftest2’, 21),
(‘ftest3, ‘ftest3’, 25),
(‘ftest4’, ‘ftest4’, 38)

Now lets add data to the first table filtering persons with age less than 30

INSERT INTO testtbl1 (fname, lname) SELECT firstname, lastname FROM testtbl2 WHERE age <= 30;

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