bundle does not contain any mapped documents/entities

This will be an error you would see when trying to generate entities or documents using:

app/console doctrine:mongodb:generate:documents YourPathToBundle

Actually the error would also suggest if you have mapping annotation error.

Mostly this could arise from mapping error as suggested.. check if you have @MongoDbDocument in the case of document or the respective @ORMEntity that would tell what that Plain Old Php Object is representing..
btw, the MongoDb and ORM are the aliases, so it could different on your setting..

file upload

multiple file upload in Symfony2 example

Multiple File Upload in Symfony framework

I spent decent amount of time to put together the multiple file upload in symfony.

It is not that difficult actually but the problem is there is no direct/easy documentation or tutorial on it.

On the form type where you would build the form, have the files with the type of collection and make its type a file entity. In this case there would be two file types by default.

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
         * The file does not need to be added as "file" because it is referred
         * in the validation for File and SF will automatically know it is file.
        return $builder
                ->add("files", 'collection', array(
		    'type'=>new FileType(),
		    'data'=>array(new BundleEntityFile(),
		    new BundleEntityFile())
                ->add('save', 'submit');

    public function getName()
        return "files";

The trick is on adding the files as collection. Initially, we have two file inputs and their type being FileType.

The allow_add is important to be able to add files through javascript.

The javascript would look like:

/*Handling multiple picture upload*/
    var total_files=$("#member_pictures_container li").length;
    var file_label=document.createElement("label");
    var div_file=document.createElement("div");    
    var picture= document.createElement('input');
    var list_element=document.createElement('li');

FileType would look like:

class FileType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        return $builder->add("file", "file");

    public function getName()
        return "filetype";

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)


And the twig file would look like this one

    {{ form_errors(form) }}
    {{ form_widget(form.about_member) }}
    • {% for file in form.files %}


  • {{ form_errors(file) }} {{ form_widget(file) }}



{% endfor %} {{form_end(form)}}

Pretty much this will take care of the multiple file handling in symfony2. As I mentioned earlier, it is not that difficult but the lack of documentation has made it so..

Do you know what to check to deploy Symfony app?

What is POST and HTTP-RAW-POST and php input has to do with enctype? Find out here

Symfony file upload SplFileInfo::get error

Working on Symfony form that has a file upload and got the above error when I try to save it.
The form is build from entity which has the following format:

class MemberFile
     * SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationFileUploadedFile object
    protected $file;
     * @ORMId
     * @ORMColumn(name="file_id", type="integer")
     * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $fileId;
     * @ORMColumn(type="string", length=255)
    protected $path;
   // additional member variables and getters and setters goes here...
    public function upload()
        if (null === $this->file)
                $this->getUploadDir(), $this->file->getClientOriginalName()

And the form is constructed inside the controller in such a way

$member_file=new MemberFile();
                ->add("save", 'submit')

Right after the appropriate action is requested, I called $member_file->upload() after validation to get the above error..

How I solved it..
1. I checked if the file has been properly uploaded despite the error
-> yes it was uploaded
2. Checked if the original tmp file is still intact –
-> NO and BINGO!
Since the file has been moved, the subsequent operations on $this->file can not be done appropriately.
Just move those operations before you call move file..

    public function upload()
        if (null === $this->file)
                $this->getUploadDir(), $this->file->getClientOriginalName()

Call to a member function format() on a non-object Symfony datetime error

When you assign time for datetime in you Entity in Symfony project, you might get this problem. The fix is simple.
If you have your entity column setup as Date or datetime like

@ORMColumn(name="date_created", type="datetime", nullable=false)

The respective setDateCreated() method expects standard datetime object.

$entity->setDateCreated(new DateTime());

will solve the problem. If you want to give different time other than today’s date, then you can populate DateTime object and provide that

symfony production path not working but works on dev environment

If you are working on the symfony and testing the changes, and you want to look at how it looks on the production env by just changing the url.. and if you are not seeing your current changes – most probably it is caching issue:
do the following being in your symfony project..

php app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug

That is it

The dist file “app/config/parameters.yml.dist” does not exist. Check your dist-file config or create it.

Are you upgrading symfony to 2.3. Bum! This will be the problem you would face after upgrading the composer.json file and trying to do 

composer.phar install 

the solution is simple. Just copy the existing parameters.yml file from app/config/ folder to new file called parameters.yml.dist and rerun the command