testing k complementary pairs algorithm with junit

This is the test class for the java solution of the k-complementary problem listed here

package algorithm;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

 * Testing KComplementary algorithm
 * @author Kaleb Woldearegay
public class KComplementaryTest {
	private KComplementary kComplementary;
	public void initiate() {
		this.kComplementary = new KComplementary();
	public void test1() {
		Integer[][] expectedResult = new Integer[][]{{1,9},{5,5},{9,1}};
		int[] test = new int[]{1,5,9};
		assertArrayEquals(this.kComplementary.getKComplementaryPairs(10,  test), expectedResult);
	public void test2() {
		Integer[][] expectedResult = new Integer[][]{{5,7},{7,5}};
		int[] test = new int[]{3,5,7};
		assertArrayEquals(this.kComplementary.getKComplementaryPairs(12,  test), expectedResult);
	public void test3() {
		Integer[][] expectedResult = new Integer[][]{{-1,1},{0,0},{1,-1}};
		int[] test = new int[]{5,-1,0,-2,3, 1};
		assertArrayEquals(this.kComplementary.getKComplementaryPairs(0,  test), expectedResult);


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Find the pairs that makes K Complementary in the given array java solution

Find K complementary pairs from the given array

So the problem is, given an array of numbers, you are going to find the pairs whose sum is K.

Say, if you are given 7, 1, 5, 6, 9, 3, 11, -1 and K = 10 then the pairs would be

=> 1 and 9
=> 3 and 7
=> 11 and -1

Here is the O(n) solution for the K complementary problem in java

It turns out, this is not a pure O(n) solution. Can you spot why?

package algorithm;

import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Algorithm to find the pairs making the K complementary in O(n) complexity
 * @author http://gullele.com
 * @see KComplementaryTest.java - a JUnit test for this class
public class KComplementary {
	private Map pairs;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		KComplementary kcomp = new KComplementary();
		int[] numbers = new int[]{7, 1, 5, 6, 9, 3, 11, -1};
		Integer[][] pairs = kcomp.getKComplementaryPairs(10, numbers);
		for (Integer[] thePairs : pairs) {
			System.out.println(" Pairs are "+thePairs[0] + " and " + thePairs[1]);
	public KComplementary() {
		this.pairs = new HashMap();
	 * An algorithm to find the pair from the given array that would sum up the given K
	 * @note - the algorithm would be done in o(n). First it will run through the whole 
	 * numbers and creates a temporary list of pairs in HashMap with 
	 * (value, sum-value). 
	 * @param sum
	 * @param listOfIntegers
	 * @return
	public Integer[][] getKComplementaryPairs(int sum, int[] listOfIntegers) {
		 * I could have used the ArrayList assuming the number of pairs we are getting 
		 * is not known, but giving it a little bit of thought, the number of pairs 
		 * is known in advance, at least the maximum we can get is known.
		 * By not using the Array list, the algorithm would run O(n) rather than
		 * O(n**2) since ArrayList.add would would be O(n) by itself 
		//List complementaryPairs = new ArrayList();
		Integer[][] complementaryPairs = new Integer[listOfIntegers.length][2];
		//First fill up the pairs with the complementary numbers
		for (int number : listOfIntegers) { //O(n) complexity
			this.pairs.put(number, sum-number);
		//then filter out the pairs that don't have corresponding complementary number
		int index = 0;
		for (int number : listOfIntegers) { //O(n) complexity 
			int complementary = sum - number;
			//check if this key exists in the pairs
			if ( this.pairs.containsKey(complementary) ) {
				//Had I used array List this would have been used
				//Integer[] comps = {number, complementary};
				//complementaryPairs.add(comps); //this is O(n)
				complementaryPairs[index][0] = number;
				complementaryPairs[index][1] = complementary;
				index ++;
		//Now trim the array since we know the exact record
		Integer[][] trimmed = new Integer[index][2];
		index = 0;
		for (Integer[] item : complementaryPairs) { //O(n) complexity
			if (item[0] != null) {
				trimmed[index][0] = item[0];
				trimmed[index][1] = item[1];
		//Total complexity O(n)+O(n)+O(n) ==> O(n)
		//had I used arrayList this would have been used
		//return complementaryPairs.toArray(new Integer[0][0]);
		return trimmed;

The above solution runs and would do the job without a problem. But it is not linear solution as it claims to be.

I have got another solution that would explain why and comes up with a solution for it. Check it out here

You can see the jUnit for this class also at here

Check if there are three numbers a, b, c giving a total T from array A

I got this question while helping a friend on the course work. It is relatively simple question. But the way how it is approached can make a difference on efficiency.

The question is, given an array of numbers, you are to find if there are three numbers that would total the given number T.

If done in a very naive way, it can soar to o(n^3) like having three loops and checking the sum inside the third loop.. well.. this is a no no..

I have approached it in a log n ( for sorting) and n for (searching) approach..

package algorithm;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * Given an array of integers, find if there are three numbers that would sum up to the 
 * number T
 * @author http://gullele.com
public class ThreeNumbersSummingT {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int[] test = new int[]{1,3,4,5,10,12, 18};
		ThreeNumbersSummingT summt = new ThreeNumbersSummingT();
		int[] response = summt.findThreeNumbers(test, 29);
		if (response.length > 1) {
			for(int num : response) {
		} else {
			System.out.println(":( Couldn't find those three gems");
	public int[] findThreeNumbers(int[] nums, int t) {
		int[] indexes = new int[1];
		if (nums.length == 0 || nums.length <= 2) {
			return indexes;
		//for primitive this would be quick sort so we have nlogn
		int minIndex =0;
		int maxIndex = nums.length-1;
		int current = 1;
		while (minIndex != maxIndex) {
			if (nums[minIndex] + nums[maxIndex] + nums[current] == t) {
				int[] summingNumbers = new int[3];
				summingNumbers[0] = nums[minIndex];
				summingNumbers[1] = nums[current];
				summingNumbers[2] = nums[maxIndex];
				return summingNumbers;
			int lookingFor = t-(nums[minIndex] + nums[maxIndex]);
			//if the number being sought is beyond the max, then jack up the min index
			if (lookingFor >= nums[maxIndex]) {
				current = minIndex + 1;
			} else if (nums[minIndex] + nums[maxIndex] + nums[current] < t) {
			} else {
				current = minIndex + 1;
		return indexes;

binary tree problems with solution

today is saturday and was catching upon some blogs. Then come across some binary tree algorithms and it reminded me the famous stanford binary tree questions.. decided to work on those and got to the mid of it..
Actually the questions get harder as you go further.. the first 7 are relatively easy..
I will continue to work on them and post my solution here.
the solutions are given on the this page but, it is advisable to work them out without looking a the solution..

here it is!

 * @author http://gullele.com
 * binary tree problems and solutions.
struct Node
	int number;
	struct Node *left;
	struct Node *right;

int minValue(struct Node *head);
int maxDepth(struct Node *head);
int countNode(struct Node *head);
void printTree(struct Node *head);
void postOrderTraversal(struct Node *head);
struct Node *createNode(int value);
int hasPathSum(struct Node *head, int sum);
struct Node *head = NULL;
struct Node *head2=NULL;
int main()
	struct Node *head=createNode(10);
	struct Node *left=createNode(8);
	struct Node *right=createNode(15);
	struct Node *right1=createNode(5);
	struct Node *right2=createNode(1);

	struct Node *head2=createNode(5);
	struct Node *two=createNode(2);
	struct Node *seven=createNode(7);
	struct Node *eleven=createNode(11);
	struct Node *lfour=createNode(4);
	struct Node *thirteen=createNode(13);
	struct Node *eight=createNode(8);
	struct Node *rfour=createNode(4);
	struct Node *one=createNode(1);

	printf("Size of the tree is %d n", countNode(head));
	printf("Max depth is %d n", maxDepth(head)-1);
	printf("Minimum Value is %d n", minValue(head));
	int hasSum = hasPathSum(head2,17);
		printf("it has sum");
		printf("it does not has sum");
	return 0;

 * Takes the head of the binary tree and counts how many children are there in the tree
 * it will recursively count the left and right nodes to come to the conclusion
int countNode(struct Node *head)
	if (head==NULL)
		return 0;
	return countNode(head->left)+1+countNode(head->right);

 * Finds the maximum depth of the tree
int maxDepth(struct Node *head)
	int maxLength = 0;
	if (head==NULL)
		return 0;
		int leftMax = 1 + maxDepth(head->left);
		int rightMax = 1 + maxDepth(head->right);
		if (leftMax > rightMax)
			return leftMax;
		return rightMax;

 * Works on the Binary Search Tree - since on the BST, for sure the left child is always lesser in value.
int minValue(struct Node *head)
		return 0; //might not be valid answer here
	struct Node *current=head;
	return current->number;

 * Prints the value of the BST
 * this is inorder traversal
void printTree(struct Node *head)
	if (head==NULL)
		printf("%d, ", head->number);

int hasPathSum(struct Node *head, int sum)
	int localsum = 0;
	if (head == NULL)
		return 0;
	else if(head->left==NULL && head->right==NULL)
		return (sum-head->number == 0);
		int temp=sum-head->number;
		return hasPathSum(head->left, temp) || hasPathSum(head->right, temp);
 * Post order traversal version of the tree traversal
void postOrderTraversal(struct Node *head)
	if (head==NULL)
		printf("%d, ", head->number);

 * Create new node
struct Node *createNode(int value)
	struct Node *newNode=malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	return newNode;

Find the first occurence of number in the sorted array

Given an array of numbers, search for the first occurrence of the number

This is relatively easy algorithm. But a bit tricky at the same time.
It can be done with log(n) with almost o(1) space complexity


 * Find the first occurrence of the given number in index.
 * @author http://gullele.com
void main()
    int nums[] = {1,1,3,5,8,8,8,10,12,23,23,55};
    int len = sizeof(nums)/sizeof(int);
    int start = 0, end = len-1, search = 8;
    int found_right = -1;
    while ((end - start) > 1)
        if (found_right != -1)
            if (nums[end] != search)
            found_right = end;
            end -= 1;
        int mid = (end + start)/2;
        int val = nums[mid];
        if (val == search)
            end = mid-1;
            found_right = mid;
        else if(val < search)
            start = mid;
            end = mid;
    if (found_right != -1)
        printf("found at %d", found_right);
        printf("found No where");

Changing decimal number to its binary equivalent

Here is bit level solution to change binary equivalent


 * Printing binary version representation of number
 * Kaleb Woldeareagy <contactkaleb@gmail.com>

void to_binary(unsigned int x);

void main()
    unsigned int y=17;

void to_binary(unsigned int x)
    if (!x|00)
        int i=0;
        int store[8]; //stack could be used here best
        while (x!=0)

        while (i>0)
            printf("%i", store[--i]);

Array reversal in Recurrsion

This problem can be performed in o(n) with normal iterative approach.
Here is vanilla flavor of its implementation in recursion


 * Recursion version of array swap
 * Kaleb Woldearegay

void reverse(int*arr, int i, int size);
void print(int*arr, int size);

void main()
    int nums[] = {4,5,2,13,0}, i=0, size=5;
    i = 0;
    print(nums, 5);
    reverse(nums, i, size-1);
    print(nums, 5);
void reverse(int*stk, int i, int size)
    if (i>=size)
        int tmp = stk[i];
        reverse(stk, i+1, size-1);
        stk[i] = stk[size];
        stk[size] = tmp;

void print(int*nums, int size)
    int i=0;
    while (i<size)
        printf("%in", nums[i]);

Implementing tokenizer and adding tokens to the linked list

Here we go

struct Node
    char * value;
    struct Node *next;
struct Node *head = NULL;
struct Node *last = NULL;
char* substr(char*str, int start, int length)
    const char* from = str;
    char *to = (char*) malloc(sizeof(str)/sizeof(char));
    strncpy(to, from+start, length);
    return to;

void addToLinkedList(char* value)
    struct Node *curr_node = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    char * newtemp = malloc(strlen(value));
    strncpy(newtemp, value, strlen(value));
    curr_node->value = newtemp;
    curr_node->next = NULL;
    if (head == NULL)
        head = curr_node;
        last = head;
        last->next = curr_node;
        last = curr_node;


void printLinkedList()
    struct Node * curr_node = head;
    while (curr_node !=NULL)
        printf("%sn", curr_node->value);
        curr_node = curr_node->next;
void main()
    int delimiter_size = 3, i=0, j=0;
    char* delimit = "abc";
    char* text = "someabccodingabctoabcparseab";
    int length = strlen(text);
    char* temp = (char*)malloc(length);
    while(i < length)
        if (text[i] == delimit[0]) //check if the begin
            //check if the 
            if (strcmp(substr(text, i, delimiter_size), delimit) == 0)
                memset(temp, '', strlen(temp));
        temp[j] = text[i];
    if (strlen(temp))

Kadane’s algorithm in C – Dynamic Programming

How do we find a keys that hold maximum consecutive values in sum from the given array?
The usual approach could be O(n^2).

But Kadanes algorithm can perform this same problem in a linear time.
here is the implementation using C

#include <stdio.h>

 * @author http://gullele.com
void main()
        printf("Kadane's Algorithmn");
        int nums[] = {-1,2,3,-9,8,7,2};
        int start_index;
        int end_index;
        int sum = maximum_consequential_sum(nums, &start_index, &end_index);
        printf("maximum sum is %d n",sum );
        printf("maximum index starts at %d n", start_index);
        printf("maximum index ends at %d n", end_index);
 * Get the maximum subsequent sum from the given array
 * function performing kadane's Algorithm 
int maximum_consequential_sum(int* nums, int*start_index, int*end_index)
        int max_start_index = 0, max_end_index = 0;
        int max_sum = 0;
        int cur_index, cur_max_sum = 0;
        for(cur_index = 0; cur_index <= max_sum ; cur_index++)
                cur_max_sum += nums[cur_index];
                if (cur_max_sum > max_sum)
                        max_sum = cur_max_sum;
                        max_end_index = cur_index;
                if (cur_max_sum < 0)
                        cur_max_sum = 0 ;
                        max_start_index = cur_index + 1;
        *start_index = max_start_index;
        *end_index = max_end_index;
        return max_sum;

The above code is, of course, just for illustration purpose. Make sure to check
for empty array and possible division by zero stuff..

To run this on Linux

1. Save the above file as kadanes.c
2. go to terminal and locate to the file
3. gcc kadanes.c -o kadane
4 run as ./kadane

** you can use this code as you like. As the same time, I am not responsible for anything, in case if you use it.

Click here to see more algorithm solutions