The RSA host key differs from the key for the IP Address warning

IP Address and RSA host key are different error

SSH would allow you to log into your remote server/computer from anywhere and it is very important tool.

Fix password less entry from ubuntu to mac

There are two major ways that you can log into server:

  • Using username and password
  • Using password less approach using ssh keys

How to use ssh

When you are using ssh without password, you might get the warning The RSA host key differs from the key for the IP Address warning

The RSA host key differs from the key for the IP Address warning would occur when you try to ssh to the server.

This a typical error of known_hosts when the remote server is changed or the ip match is no longer valid.


Being on the client do

cd ~/.ssh

The above will clear the known_hosts file. But this would clear all the contents in the known hosts.

If you know the offending row you can clear that only

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