
Run single phpunit test

Well, we all love php unit tests :). There are times we would like to run one/single test from test suite that has failed so that we can fix or look at it thoroughly. PHPUnit has a way to do it.
The problem, when you are your php unit suite as

phpunit -c /testFolder..

All you php tests would run.
The solution for this is:
Let’s assume you have this particular php unit test in one of your test files

public function testPhpIsAwesomeOrNot(){

All you have to do is to add the <b>group annotation</b> above the function of your php unit test

 * @group awesome
public function testPhpIsAwesomeOrNot(){}

and run your PHPUnit single test wiht –group annotation

phpunit -c /testfolder --group awesome

The above would run single PHPUnit test from the test suite.

Running a single PhpUnit test

Well, we all love tests :). There are times we would like to run a single test that has failed so that we can fix or look at it thoroughly.
The problem, when you are running

phpunit -c /testFolder..

All tests would run.
The fix..
Let’s assume you have this particular test in one of your test files

public function testPhpIsAwesomeOrNot(){

All you have to do is to add the group annotation above the function

 * @group awesome
public function testPhpIsAwesomeOrNot(){}

then run it with –group
phpunit -c /testfolder –group awesome