postgres on docker

Accessing Docker Postgres from host application

Accessing Docker Postgres in the host application

Accessing docker postgres is was easier with right commands. Docker has been a life saver for most of us – no doubt on that. We can do any kind of software interaction from host machine or from other docker container with bliss.

Once you have the docker postgres up and running, access docker postgres and use it for multiple of your projects. Here I will show how to access docker postgres from host machine. That is the same thing as any other app to access it as well.
Continue reading Accessing Docker Postgres from host application

postgres not null

Format output of postgres from psql

Format output of postgres – this is like \G in mysql

If you are looking for the \G equilvalent of the mysql in postgres, then here is what you are looking for:

On the psql terminal just do the following

\x auto;

This will prepare whatever you are going to display on the terminal to have the right output

here is an example of out formatted or nice output when you issue the command

infohub=# select * from help;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id           | 1
date_created | 2018-08-18 09:58:54.774
message      | use \x auto command to get output printed nicely
title        | how to show the select output nicely formatted in psql
member_id    | 1
-[ RECORD 2 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id           | 2
date_created | 2018-08-18 10:41:46.979
message      | postgres has a nice output format option as well.
title        | An equivalent of \G nice format in mysql in postgres
member_id    | 1

As it can be seen above, the output is nice and easy to navigate than a bulky columns here and there.

postgres not null

postgres not null to null

How to remove NOT NULL constraint in postgres

A NOT NULL constraint is essential tool in postgres database to ensure validation.

But sometimes, you need to remove not null and allow column to be null.

Remove NOT NULL Postgres