You don’t have permission to access / on this server. Apache error

Apache refusing to serve with you don’t have permission to access error

Here are things to fix the problem

Have your config in your apache config like this:

        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html

                Options All
                AllowOverride All
                require all granted

1. Make sure the directory you are accessing has at least 755 permission mode
2. Make sure to restart the server after you change the configs
3. Check if you have .htaccess file with different setting
4. In some cases, make sure the directory is accessible by apache – www-data.

Vim not syntax highlighting in sudo/root huh..

So I had to deal with the server issue and I ssh into it. Then opened the file looked at it and wanted to change the content, I had to be on root and I noticed the syntax highlighting was off..
Here are the steps I took to check what went wrong.
Basically when I am sudo-ing the user has changed a bit. So the configuration per that user is the area of focus.
Also, there could be multiple installations and vanilla versions for the vim as well, so check which one the sudo is using

sudo which vim

I was able to locate the right vim the sudo was using and I applied that one to fix the issue