Consuming SOAP tutorial – Using java eclipse

Consuming SOAP tutorial from java step by step

SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol, is older and still usable protocol for exchanging messages between systems.

Since soap is xml based, it is language and operating system independent. You can publish a soap service through your wsdl using Java on Linux and you can consume it through PHP application running on windows.

These days, SOAP is a bit lagging behind RESTful services which are rather more of architectural approaches than being protocol by themselves.

This is a tutorial showing how to consume an existing SOAP service using java language.

For this example, I will use a WSDL published on

In this one, I use already established wsdl for weather related tasks.

Eclipse has a nice tool to make life easier to consume SOAP related messages and I will show you here step by step.

Consuming SOAP tutorial step by step

1. Go ahead and create a new dynamic java project on your Eclipse

dynamic java project

java project

dynamic web project

dynamic web project

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