Loaded Configuration File => (none) Apache not reading php.ini

php.ini is a core file to handle the behavior of PHP and sometimes apache might not pick it and php might not be using and it will create problem.

To resolve this, just see the output of phpinfo first.
Just add the following code snippet in the php file and run it through your server


Then look of configuration file (php.ini) path, by default it would be /etc
If you don’t have the file php.ini in that mentioned directory, just look for related ones like php.ini.default or something and just copy that as php.ini and restart your apache.

Serve more than one site using virtualhosts on mac OSX

There would be a need for this or that reason to serve more than one site from apache. And this is quite possible using configuration inside the apache

First thing first
go to the apache config, by default it should be


And search for

#Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Which, as you can see, is commented. Hence uncomment that by deleting the # infront of it.

The above task will allow us to mess around the httpd-vhosts.conf file that is in the extras directory.

Lets assume we have a site names siteVH which is residing in the directory /www/sitevh
and lets assume we have another site called siteAnother residing in director /www/siteanother

Now the goal is to access those sites independently. So we will create two different virtual hosts for each one and be able to access them independently

    ServerAdmin youreamil@domain.com
    DocumentRoot "/www/siteVH"
    ServerName sitevh.com
    ServerAlias local.site
    ErrorLog "/private/var/log/apache2/sitevh.log"
    CustomLog "/private/var/log/apache2/sitevh.com-access_log" common
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

And the we will have the same duplicate values for the other one as well.

Then update the /etc/hosts to let know our local “DNS” :) to know what to do sitevh.com siteanother.com

This shall take care of the whole thing.
One more thing, restart apache

sudo apachectl restart