Allowing others to use mysql from user machine on ubuntu- simple one!

It is customary sometimes to share the part of the database from sandbox to a fellow developer or to access it from the other machine – umm.. is it not how the servers are doing it?? what are you talking about 😉

Anyway here is a simple note to make it happen.1. We need to bind the machine name for the server. to do that
open your my.cnf – inside the /etc/mysql/my.cnf for debianish machines and search for the
[mysqld] and add the following
bind-address = your ip address goes here
you can find your ip address from


then save the file and restart your mysql

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

There are ways to assign for a specified user from the specified ip addresses as well.
Like if you have database db1 and user1 from ip address then

grant select, insert, update on db1.* to 'user1'@''