While working with tomcat, you might come across this glitch. Here is how to get rid of it easily.
1. Go to server tab in your eclipse. If you cant see it you can have it through window->show view->servers
2. double click on the tomcat server and you will be directed to page for tomcat configuration.
3. On the page you will see list of ports that the current server is using.
4. Change the HTTP/1.1 from 80 – or whatever it is complaining to new one like 9181.
5. what… you’re done… 🙂
Happy TomCatting.
thx alottttttttttt………it worked nicely ….:D
Thanks Raj
I am using tomcat v6.0 server at locallhost has encountered a probleam
I have another problem .when i am opening eclipse it is automatically closed some times
thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.thank you.
Glad that helped you!!
Wow its working… thanks
heyy thnks a ton.:)).its wrkng..!!!
Hi, I tried your concise instruction but got warning “WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property ‘source’ to ‘org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:MyFirstWebApp’ did not find a matching property.” The web browser opened an 404 error page. Could you suggest a reason for this error?
Many thanks for your help
Hello Siza, you don’t have to worry about the warning in this case. That stuff is included by Eclipse and when tomcat encounter it, it just doesn’t know what to do with it.
For the 404 error, there could be a lot of things that makes it like that
1. Check what you have on you web.xml vs what you put on your url. If it is a JSF app, by default the url would be accessed from /faces/* that is if you have index.xhtml – then you would access it as http://localhost:%5Bport%5D/MyFirstWebApp/faces/index.xhtml..
2. When you change the port, you should also change the previous port as well. If you were accessing the app using http://localhost:8080, then after changing the port to say 8083, then you should access it as localhost:8083..
Also make sure the case sensitivity nature of file names ..
Good luck
Hey thanks a lot !!!! was breaking ma heads ….Thank you so much 🙂 !!!
I have a same problem but your solution didn’t work with me 🙁
I used Tomcat 5
Hi there computingstudent2012
Basically the error is coming out because other instance of tomcat is running. So in principle you can do two things.
1. You can kill the other instance or
2. You can change the port so that the other instance can listen to port 80 and yours current one would listen to whatever the new port is.
As to kill the instance, basically the process, do:
On linux: go to you command line and do ps -aux | grep tomcat
this would give you the process id then issue kill processID or in worst case kill -9 processID
On Windows: look for the process in the task manager or see if it is instantiated by some other service in services manager then kill/stop it
As to changing, you can follow what is there on the blog.
Let me know if the problem still persists
4. Change the HTTP/1.1 from 80 – or whatever it is complaining to new one like 9181.
how to change? i’m blurrrrrrr 🙁
Hey Mira,
if you follow starting from the step 1, you would see it on the port edit box – it will list the default port, 8080, there. Then it will be a matter of changing that to a new one say 8082 and you can access your new site with localhost:8082.
thank you…
Sorry not very useful.
The point is to run tomcat on port 80, not on another port.
There is nothing running on port 80 on my computer, in fact after I get the error and while eclipse is open I can manually start tomcat on port 80, but no with eclipse.
This solution is good if you can run your application on other ports, but in may case it must run on port 80.
thanks any way. 🙂
Sorry for the delayed answer. The main problem is regarding the port being taken by some other process. As you know, port is assigned per process basis under normal circumstances. In this case, port 80 is assigned. So you have two option to proceed. Either you kill the process using your OS tools or you would change the port and “fool” it for the time being.
Thanks for stopping by commenting it.