CSS rendered different for local and remote servers

CSS rendered different for local and remote servers

I was banging against the wall for this weirdest scenario.

When I run my site locally using the localhost, http://localhost/site.., all is good and the desired width and everything is OK.

When I publish my site on my server, all the CSS were jacked as if I have never tried it on my local machine before I publish it.

The browser is the same, the css and everything is the same but the rendering is different from local machine.

Trying to figure out, when I access my local site from my other computer, it is still jacked .. I said “HA!”.

Then I changed the localhost with my computer name and yup it is all messed up.
Tried to find out why apache is acting nice for local and strange for the other ones. But at least I can work on my local machine and publish it now.

Also, check if you have any reference of the css and javascript files with localhost.

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