Changing Permission for Files and Folders

Changing Permission for Files and Folders

While working on ubuntu, some files and folders might not be accessible due to permission settings.
For example it is not possible to add/delete files or folders to /var/lib/mysql folder. But, this is one of the folders that one might one to visit with changes – like if you want to move the data files..
There is a tool in this regard:
1. Go to Applications->Accessories->Terminal
2. on the CLI, write sudo chmod OGE /folder/or/file/path
The first stands for owner, second for group, and third everyone. Each of these are going to be filled with numbers ranging from 1-7.
The permissions primarily include read, write and execute.
the most common for controlled usage is
sudo chmode 777 /folder/or/file/path
which means Owner can read write and execute and the same for Group and everyone
For recursive permission allocation
sudo chmode 777 -R /folder/or/file/path
For more visit

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